Hawthorn Tincture 30ml
8.00 $30ml – Hawthorn Leaf & Berry
- Promotes Blood Flow
- Supports Healthy Blood Pressure
- Enhances Heart Function
- Provides Antioxidant Support
Third Eye Chakra Tincture 30ml
12.00 $Third Eye Chakra
Ingredients: Mugwort, Blue Lotus, Skullcaps
30 ml
- Ability to observe chakras & auras
- Experience precognition & out-of-body experiences
- Clear Vision & Awareness
- Elevated Intuition
- Increased ability to problem solving
- Increased inner peace
- Revelations about the deeper aspects of reality
- Removes uncertainty & reveals life purpose
St John’s Wort Tincture 30ml
10.00 $30 ML
- Antidepressant
- Relieves Anxiety
- Helps with PMS & Menopause
- Eases Withdrawal symptoms
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Helps with OCD & SAD
- Heals Wounds
Calendula Tincture 30ml
7.00 $30 ML
- Digestive health
- Eases cramps, & menstrual pain
- Anti-cancer activity
- Anti-inflammatory
- Protects Eyes
- Treats Conjunctivitis
- Antioxidant
- Immune System booster
- Body detox
- Sore Throat
- Mouth Ulcers
- Bursitis
Pine Needle Tincture 30ml
7.00 $30 ml
- Immune system boost
- Natural suramin source
- Respiratory conditions
- Vision health
- Speed healing
- Prevents chronic disease
- Blood pressure
- Circulation
- Cognitive function
Milk Thistle Tincture 30ml
8.00 $30 ml
- Liver detox and healing
- Reduces Inflammation
- Protects Heart Health
- Weight Loss
- Digestive system
- Detoxifies the Body
- Controls Diabetes
- Prevents Chronic
- Disease and cancer
- Skin health & anti-aging
Sore Throat Tincture 30ml
10.00 $Ingredients: Marshmallow flower, Marshmallow Root, Sage, Ginger, Plantain
30 ml
- Relieves coughs
- Relieves throat pain
- Relieves mucous congestion
- Improving dry mouth
- Protects the throat
- Fights inflammation
- Full of antioxidant
- Lowers blood pressure
- Helps with sinusitis & lung congestion
Parasite Cleanse Glycerite Tincture
13.00 $Ingredients: Wormwood, Black Wallnut Hull & Cloves
30 ml
- Kills worms & Parasites
- Anti-fungal
- Balances the bacteria in the gut
- Improves digestive efficiency
Maxylax Tincture 30ml
10.00 $Constipation Aid & Diuretic
Ingredients: Senna Leaf, Chamomile, Peppermint, Cardamom, Ginger, Lemon Balm, Dandelion Root
30 ml
- Rapid Detoxification
- Helps cure constipation
- Stimulates urination
- Releases excess salts, fats, toxins and water from the body
Headache Ease Tincture 30ml
10.00 $Tension Headaches & Migraines
Ingredients: Ginkgo Biloba, Gotu Kola Feverfew, Lemon balm Fennel and Damiana lEaf
30 ml
- Rich in antioxidants
- Migraine Relief
- Tension Headaches Relief
- Improves circulation
- Improves Brain function
- Fights Dementia & Alzheimers
- Supports Vision & Eye Health
Sleep Miracle Tincture 30ml
10.00 $Sleep Aid & Anti-depressant
Ingredients: Valerian Root, Lavender Passionflower, Chamomile Blue Lotus, Lemon Balm Black Seeds and Lemon Verbena
30 ml
- Combats Insomnia, Anxiety & Depression
- Lowers Blood Pressure
- Light Headaches Relief
- Indigestion
- Hyperactivity
- Mental Boost
Brain Boost Tincture 30ml
11.00 $Focus & Memory
Ingredients: Ginkgo Biloba, Gotu Kola Rosemary, Thyme and Sage
30 ml
- Rich in antioxidants
- Migraine Relief
- Tension Headaches Relief
- Improves circulation
- Improves Brain function
- Fights Dementia & Alzheimers
- Supports Vision & Eye Health